Graduating from high school is the first step to becoming an airline pilot.
Take college prep classes, especially math and science classes.
Get a four year college degree, while simultaneously starting your flight training.
Consider a specialized degree in aviation science, you will get college credit for your flight training.
Work as a flight instructor building up your flight time and experience.
After graduating from college, you should have already earned your Private Pilot's License, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot's License for both Single and Multi-engine aircraft, and a Certified Flight Instructor License. Work as a flight instructor until you have at least 1200 flight hours.
Work for a regional airline or cargo company for 5 to 10 years.
Now you're making good money and bidding your time for a shot at the major airlines. Be patient though, it could still take a while.
Become an airline pilot for a major airline!
Its not as easy as you thought is it! Major airlines like to hire from their regional airline partners.