Begin the flight with your machine flat on the ground and the parachute spread out behind you. As you move forward, air fills the parachute, forming an airfoil. Add more throttle as the chute inflates. Additional speed lifts the machine off the ground.
Apply pressure to a foot pedal to turn the machine. A powered parachute is designed to fly straight with almost no attention from the pilot. When a gust of wind swings the airframe, gravity brings it back to center under the parachute. Pull up on the throttle to increase your power and climb, and pull back on the throttle to descend.
Locate the landing field. Line up your powered parachute into the wind and lower the throttle. Adjust your throttle as you near the ground to keep a gradual descent. After touchdown, pull back fully on the throttle. Turn off the engine and collapse your parachute.