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How to Preflight Check a Cessna 150

During a preflight check, the pilot is making sure that every aspect of the airplane is ready for flight. With this much care and time spent before the plane leaves the ground, flights are, for the most part, safe and sure. Here's how to preflight check a Cessna 150.


    • 1

      Inspect the cockpit carefully. You need to have your airworthiness certificate, registration, operating handbook and weight-and-balance data. Remove the control wheel lock, check that ignition is off, master switch is on, fuel quantity indicators are functional, flaps are all the way down, master switch is off, and fuel shutoff valve is on.

    • 2

      Check the rivets along the fuselage and the tail section (called the "empennage"). Take off the rudder wind lock. Remove the tie-down on the tail. Make sure all the control surfaces move freely.

    • 3

      Look at the right wing. Make sure the aileron moves freely and is securely connected. Do the same with the flaps. Remove the tie-down to the wings. Check that the main wheel tire is properly inflated and the breaks are not leaking. Sample the fuel to make sure there's no water in it. Check the fuel level and secure the fuel cap.

    • 4

      Go to the Cessna's nose and check the engine oil level and take a sample from the fuel strainer. Check the propeller and spinner, the alternator belt and the air intake for any foreign objects, like bird nests. Check the carburetor air filter and the landing lights. Examine the nose wheel strut and tire for proper inflation and remove the tie-down to the nose.

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      Check the left wing, making sure that the main wheel on that side is properly inflated and that the brakes are not leaking. Sample the fuel. Check the quantity and secure the fuel cap. Remove the tie-down to the left wing. Uncover the pitot tube and see whether it is free of obstructions. Check the stall warning indicator and the fuel tank vent opening. Make sure that the aileron and flap are free of hindrance and secure.

    • 6

      Enter the cockpit of your Cessna. Before starting the engine, review your preflight list to make sure each item was covered. Check your seats and belts, adjusting as necessary. Make sure that the fuel shutoff valve is on and that radios and electrical items are off. Test and set brakes. Make sure that the circuit breakers are in.

    • 7

      Start the engine after you've made sure that the fuel mixture is rich and the carburetor heat is cold. Prime as required and lock. Open the throttle a half-inch and yell "clear" out the window, making sure that the propeller area is clear. Turn on the master switch and the beacon. Start the ignition and adjust the throttle to 1000 rpm. Check that the oil pressure is normal, the avionics are on, the transponder is on standby and the flaps are up. Now you're ready to go.

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