Get financially prepared. Hang gliders are expensive and can cost as much as a new car.
Weigh the pros of and cons of buying new or used. You can save money with used hang gliders. Remember, though, that this is not a purchase you want to cut corners on, since the quality of your glider can have a profound impact on your safety once in flight. Many experts recommend that beginners choose new hang gliders over used models.
Seek the help of a qualified instructor. Hang gliding instructors have a sense of each glider's pluses and minuses and may be able to help you select the hang glider that's best for you. If you've already undergone training, consult with the instructor you've trained with, and ask him or her for a recommendation. Given the fact that this instructor has worked with you and is familiar with your strengths and weaknesses as a pilot, you'll likely get a recommendation that's tailor-made to suit your capabilities.
Learn from the buying experiences of other hang gliders. Visit an online hang gliding community like to make contacts and gather information (see Resources below).
Gather more insight on hang gliding. Purchase
"Hang Gliding Training Manual: Learning Hang Gliding Skills for Beginner to Intermediate Pilots" by Dennis Pagen (see Resources below).