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Finch Varieties

Keeping finches produces an interesting aviary, and there are many variations and color mutations of finches from which you can choose. Trying to maintain too many varieties in one enclosed area can be a problem, though, because not all species of finches get along well together. Some of the more territorial species fight to the death to protect their territory, even in captivity.
  1. Zebra Finches (Poephila Guttata)

    • Zebra finches are common all over Australia except for coastal regions in the northwest, southeast, and southwest, Tasmania and the Flores Islands. Many different color variations have been bred in captivity, but the standard zebra finch has a gray head, nape and back. Their wings are dark gray while the tail is black and white striped. It is this feature that gave zebra finches their name. They have white bellies and orange legs.

    Society Finches and Other Mannikins (Genus Lonchura)

    • Society finches, also known as Bengalese finches, are a popular hardy variety that is relatively easy to care for. Society finches get along well with humans as well as with other varieties of finches, as their name suggests. Both sexes look the same, so it is can be difficult to distinguish the males from the females. The males sing to the females as part of their mating ritual, which is often how breeders tell them apart.

    Cordon Bleu Finches / Blue-Capped Waxbills

    • One of the more striking finches is the blue-capped cordon bleu finch that originated in Africa. The head, body and tail of the male cordon bleu finch are a deep sky blue, and their wings, underbelly and backs are beige. Females lack the sky blue color over the whole head; instead, the top of the hen's head is the same color as the wings. The females are a duller color blue on the face, breast and tail. Young males can be mistaken for females as they look quite similar. Cordon bleu finches need their nails clipped regularly.

    Gold Finches (Carduelis Carduelis)

    • The goldfinch or European goldfinch is a small variety of finch that has a red face and a black and white head. Their upper parts are a warm brown color, while their under parts are white. They have buff flanks and breast patches, and their wings are black and yellow. The goldfinch has an ivory colored bill that is long and pointed, and its tail is forked. There are several subspecies or mutations of the goldfinch including the tawny, agate, Isabella, pastel, Satine, yellow, opal and albino.

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