Observe the size of the area the partridges live in and whether they have access to naturally occurring food in this environment. If the birds do not have access to natural food 24 hours a day, then it is necessary to either fully or partially compensate for this by providing for them. For example if the partridges are kept in small pens, then regular feeding is required; on the other hand, free range birds may not need supplemental feed.
Decide what to feed the partridges. This should include a healthy mix of ingredients based upon their natural diet. Hungarian partridges feed on small weed seeds, green leafy plants, cultivated grains plus various insects. Pellets, grains and other manufactured partridge foods can be purchased from agricultural farm stores. Provide plenty of water.
Give the correct amount of food to support the number of partridges. This depends entirely on the amount of birds you have, so give them more than enough and adjust as necessary. More experienced partridge handlers vary the type and amount of food they give the partridges depending on the stage of the bird's development and whether the birds are breeding.