Things You'll Need
Observe the bird's size. Blue cranes are smaller than many other crane species, weighing about 11 pounds at a height of around 4 feet.
Look at the shape of the bird. The blue crane has a long neck and long legs. The bird's bill should be relatively short and the tail feathers long and draping downward.
Consider the dominant color. From a distance, the blue crane may look gray in color. It is really the very pale blue that is distinct from other cranes and gives the bird its name.
Examine the secondary colors. The blue crane will have black legs and black tail feathers.
Focus on the bird's head. While most other cranes have visible red-colored bare skin on their heads, the blue crane does not. The blue crane has light gray white cheeks that darken toward the neck.
Listen to the bird's call. Blue cranes make loud guttural honking calls.
Remember that the male and female cranes look almost identical. Juveniles will be smaller than the adults and their tales will be white instead of black.