FM-Based Transmitters
Just like FM radio stations, these transmitters employ frequency modulation to send signals to the model's receiver module. These radios use a preselected crystals which operate on a certain frequency and channel to broadcast all the desired inputs. While FM transmitters use older technology, they still offer excellent range, and are not prone to brownouts (short durations where signal is completely lost), as found on some newer technologies. The downside to FM units is that interference can easily occur when two or more flyers share the same frequency. When this happens you will experience a "glitch," the model may violently twitch, or even completely go out of control.
2.4 Ghz
These transmitter use the same shortwave technology as other 2.4-based devices such as cordless phones and wi-fi networks. Such 2.4 systems can be easily identified by their short antennas and have the advantage of being relatively interference free. Each receiver is initially paired or "bound" to a specific transmitter. From this point, the receiver will only listen to signals produced by that particular transmitter. However, some 2.4-based systems may occasionally suffer from brownouts, causing a momentary loss of control.
Multiple Channels
RC radios all provide a channel designation. This refers to the amount of individual signals or channels they are able to send. A basic, four-channel transmitter is sufficient for controlling most beginner aircraft, as planes typically have four control surfaces for flight. More advanced, six- to 10-channel systems are also available, to control more sophisticated models that employs flaps, retractable landing gear or even bomb-drop and parachute functions.
Programmable and Telemetry Systems
Only available on the most advanced equipment is two-way functionality. In addition to sending signals that control the model's flight, these radios receive data from the plane that provid vital flight information to RC pilots. Altitude, airspeed and battery consumption can all be tracked and analyzed by computer, giving the modeler a unique insight into her plane's performance.