Things You'll Need
Locate an area in your yard that is within 5 or 6 feet of a tree or bush. Birds will be more likely to feed if they know they can easily hide from unexpected predators. This will also provide protection from the wind so that your seed does not scatter away easily. If possible, use an area of your yard with sandy soil. Sandy soil will allow rainwater to drain away faster, leaving the seeds with ample time to dry.
Place the aluminum window frame on top of the location you have chosen and secure it to the ground with stakes or by weighing it down with heavy rocks. Aluminum is the best choice for a frame material because it won't rust in the rain, and the screen will allow for good water drainage after the rain so the seeds don't become soggy. This will serve as the base for your ground feeder.
Protect your feeder from the wind by placing the wooden poles around the feeder and connecting them with fencing. Cedar boughs can then be attached to the fencing. By keeping the seed out of sight, it will be safer from wind and from some predators.
Choose the right kind of seed for your ground feeder. Corn, sunflower seed, white millet, buckwheat, sorghum or milo tend to be preferred by ground-feeding birds.
Clean your feeder regularly. Rake through the seed three times a week to prevent seed buildup and to prevent bird feces from accumulating on the food. Replace seed frequently to attract more birds.