Things You'll Need
Near bird feeders
Move bird feeders at least 10 feet away from trees and fences. The distance reduces the number of jumping-off points for squirrels.
Install a baffle to squirrel-proof existing bird feeders. Baffles are shaped like an inverted bowl placed between squirrels and bird feeders, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology says. If a squirrel jumps on the baffle, the squirrel will slide off. Purchase a baffle or make one from an old vinyl record or large plastic salad bowl.
Feed squirrels with nuts and dried corn at a feeder away from window sills or door steps. Feeding aggressive squirrels could deter them from raiding a bird feeder.
Use safflower seed in bird feeders. According to Wild Birds Unlimited, safflower discourages squirrels from eating at the feeders only if it is used exclusively.
Live trap aggressive squirrels. Check with state and local regulations for live trapping and releasing wild animals before proceeding. Squirrels need to be relocated at least a few miles away or they may find their way back, according to Wild Birds Unlimited. Squirrels may have trouble finding food or adapting to a new environment that is already populated by aggressive squirrels.
Near homes
Feed squirrels with nuts and corn at a feeder away from window sills or door steps. Feeding aggressive squirrels could deter them from trying to get into the house.
Remove bird feeders placed in the yard or replace any bird seed with safflower seed.
Live trap aggressive squirrels. Check with state and local regulations for live trapping and releasing wild animals before proceeding.