Things You'll Need
Lay each of the wooden slats on a level and stable surface; place a compass near one of the ends and draw a circle that measures 2 1/8 inches but is at least an inch from the top and bottom of the slat. Move the compass about 2 inches away from this circle and draw another circle. These circles mark the entrances to the birdhouse.
Repeat the circle drawing on each wooden slat so that you end up with two circles per slat. Use the jigsaw to cut out each circle. Sand the entrances until smooth so that nesting martins won't injure themselves on splinters or burrs. Measure 1/2 inch down from each entrance and drill a 1/4-inch hole.
Divide the dowel rod into 3-inch increments and saw; you'll need eight of these 3-inch pieces. Insert each 3-inch rod into the holes you drilled and apply a dab of wood glue to the joint between the rods and the slats. This creates perches for the martins.
Assemble the house by laying one of the wooden rectangles out flat. Stand one of the 12-inch slats up on its 1/2-inch side and lay it flush to the rectangle's 12-inch side, thus creating the first wall. Generously apply wood glue to the joint. Repeat the process for the remaining 12-inch slat as well as the 7-inch slats to finish the walls.
Glue the remaining rectangle over the tops of the walls to add the ceiling and finish the basic structure of the house. Spray a few coats of clear coat over the house, letting each coat dry about an hour in between. Spray the house with a few coats of white spray paint to finish the job.