Things You'll Need
Place Chukar quail eggs into the incubator, small end down. Turn them 30 degrees each day. Chukar quails take 23 days to hatch.
Put the baby chicks into a brooder with soft litter on the bottom. Chukar quails are known to be cannibalistic, so make sure you do not overcrowd the brooder. Feed them with age-appropriate quail food. Begin with the temperature at 100 degrees Fahrenheit inside the brooder, you may need heat lamps if your brooder cannot be automatically set, and decrease the temperature 5 degrees each week for 6 weeks.
Place the chicks into a quail pen at 6 weeks. This type of quail is very tolerable when it comes to cold and hot weather, but make sure you keep them at least in pairs. The larger the group during the cold season, the better chance they will remain warm.
De-worm your Chukar quails at least once a month if you keep them on the ground. If you keep them up off the ground and on wire, you still need to de-worm them every 3 to 6 months.
Allow the hens to go to the nesting grounds to lay eggs. In captivity, the Chukar quail will not always sit on their eggs, so an incubator is required. The laying season is from early spring to late summer, during which time each hen can lay up to 50 eggs.
Keep a sand pit of sorts inside each quail pen so that they can "dust" themselves. Dusting is something the the quails do in order to rid themselves of parasites and other insects that may have gotten into their feathers.