Entrance Holes
To exclude predators from their home, birds choose houses with the smallest entrance hole that will accommodate their size. Never use a birdhouse with a perch below the entrance, as this gives predators a place to sit and wait for a meal.
Painting isn't necessary unless the birdhouse is constructed of soft wood. Use a water-based exterior latex paint and wait at least two weeks before hanging the box. Use light shades of tan, gray or green. Dark colors may cause the box to overheat.
Mount birdhouses before the breeding season begins. Have the birdhouse in place by February in the south and by mid to late March in northern areas. Mounting a birdhouse on a tree gives predators such as squirrels, raccoons and neighborhood cats easy access to birds and their eggs. The best way to mount a birdhouse is on metal or PVC pipes, which are difficult for predators to climb.