Put the mouth diaphragm in your mouth. The diaphragm is a thin piece of plastic that resembles a horseshoe with a clear piece of plastic in the center. The part of the frame that resembles the open end of a horseshoe should be facing your front teeth. Fit the diaphragm to the roof of your mouth, and run your tongue along the reed(s), which is the thin piece of plastic running across the middle of the diaphragm. Practice moving the diaphragm around in your mouth. Move it side to side, from cheek to cheek. Move it around with your tongue and practice moving it on and off your tongue. You should do this every day for several days until you are comfortable with the diaphragm in your mouth.
Position the diaphragm halfway back along the roof of your mouth using your tongue. This might also take some practice before correct placement of the diaphragm does not trigger the gag reflex.
Say the word "putt" to make a cluck sound. Keep your teeth locked and your lips moist.
Make two to four high pitched squeals followed by one to three yelps in order to produce a kee kee run.
Press your tongue tightly against the reeds, squeeze your lips together and exhale to make a purr sound.
Exhale while your tongue is pressed against the reed, then drop your tongue off the reed while still exhaling to make a whine.
Make several loud clucks (see Step 3) quickly in a row to a produce a cutt.