Things You'll Need
Put out the right foods to attract mockingbirds but not other types of birds. Mockingbirds are attracted to suet feeders with plenty of suet. Mockingbirds are also attracted to raisins, fruits or seeds. They especially like sunflower seeds. Mockingbirds also enjoy small pieces of bread.
Set up a landscape that mockingbirds will enjoy. Plant trees in your yard that produce fruits and berries. Trees that are particularly useful for attracting mockingbirds are mulberry, elderberry, cherry, hackberry and dogwood. Mockingbirds are also attracted to grapes, raspberries, figs and blackberries, so having plants that produce these fruits will increase your chances of attracting mockingbirds. While growing the plants that will attract mockingbirds, plant some thick shrubbery in your yard as well, since mockingbirds also enjoy this.
Make sure there is a water source around your yard. This can be as simple as putting a birdbath outside. You could choose a birdbath that has flowing water, but this is not necessary. Just periodically remove the water from the birdbath and replace it with fresh water.
Get rid of any competition against the mockingbirds. Many kinds of animals eat the same types of food as the mockingbirds that you want in your yard do. Squirrels are one example, and they can turn into a big problem while you are trying to attract mockingbirds. They will try to get to all of the food that you put out. Take measures to deter the squirrels from coming around your home. If you place your mockingbird food in squirrel-proof feeders, this will definitely deter the squirrels, and they will eventually stop looking for food around your yard.