Things You'll Need
Train your pigeons to trap. It is important that homing or racing pigeons don't bring disease home to the flock-trapping is one way to protect your birds.
Select a part of the loft that is easily accessible to your pigeons when they arrive home.
Bar the pigeon from entry into the main area of the loft. The trap has a way into the loft but no way to access the main areas.
Learn the correct procedure to remove the racing band from the pigeon's leg. You will do this in the trap and put the band in the racing clock.
Teach your pigeons to land on the roof of the loft, jump down to the landing board and enter the trap on your command.
Respond to your pigeon's obedient behavior right away. Give treats to the pigeons that return to the landing board and trap.
Watch your pigeons and their flying habits. Some in training will become more adventurous.