Learn about the breeding lines of homing pigeons. The original racing breed is from the Rock Dove pigeon line.
Study the color and markings of pigeons. Learn which mark or color represents which breed.
Select a pigeon for its breed, not its markings or color. Just because it's pretty doesn't mean it's speedy.
Determine if the most common colored bird is a good choice for your expectations. The most common color pigeon is the Blue Bar.
Decide what's important to you-speed, endurance or both. The pattern markings of a pigeon represent the breed, not necessarily their capabilities.
Try to pick a color and pattern for a pigeon that attracts you to it. You will spend many hours with the pigeon in training and caring for the bird-it may as well be aesthetically pleasing.
Resolve any issues you have with culling. Culling is necessary to maintain a flock that is strong and healthy.