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How to House Your Roller Pigeons

Compared to other breeds, roller pigeons can be kept in relatively small spaces. Since these birds can't fly, your pens don't have to be very tall. Rabbit hutches are the perfect size for these pigeons.


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      Build holding pens that are 2 feet high and 3 square feet. Each of these pens will hold 15 birds comfortably. If you have more birds, build another pen and stack it on the first one. These pens can be situated on legs at any height.

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      Make the floor of your pens out of 1/2 foot of plastic wire mesh. The sides of the cage should be made from 2 by 4 wire fencing.

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      Add perch boxes 2 rows high. Also nail 2 by 4's end to end in the shape of an "I" to the floor. This gives the pigeons a place to perch and sleep at night.

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      Place a piece of cardboard and a plastic slip sheet in between the stacked pens. This will allow you to clean the area without hassle. Once a month, simply pull the slip sheet out and dump it into an empty feed back. Wash it or scrape gently and your cleaning is done.

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      Use a pressure washer to clean the cages. Make sure the pigeons have been moved to another cage while you wash them. You could severely injure your birds if you do not remove them from the cages prior to washing.

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      Consider the great features of your pen. By housing them in this manner, they are always outside. This is perfect for their health because they get constant sunlight and fresh air. This set-up also allows for easy bathing of the birds. Once a week, you can simply spray the birds down with the water hose and cleaning is complete.

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