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How to Identify Orioles

In many parts of the United States, bright orange or yellow and black birds can be seen flying overhead or resting in a shade tree. A first thought would be that these birds are Oriole birds, and you would be correct. If you want to know more about the Oriole bird you've spotted, here are some things that might interest you.

Things You'll Need

  • Field Guide to Birds
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    • 1

      Review and take note of the habitats of Orioles that live in a variety of settings in North America. Find them from coast to coast, as far north as southern Canada and as far south as parts of Mexico. They live in deciduous woodlands, parks, urban areas and orchards.

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      Note the variable appearances of Orioles, although they usually have black upperparts and either orange or yellow underparts. This can vary somewhat, as there is one species of Oriole, the Orchard Oriole, that has chestnut colored underparts. Female Orioles tend to be paler in color than their male counterparts, often having olive colored upperparts instead of black ones.

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      Observe the size of Oriole birds. They are small birds that are typically between 18 and 25 cm long in size. They tend to weigh between 30 and 40 g, and have a wingspan between 29 and 32 cm.

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      Listen to the songs and calls of Oriole. The sounds vary between different types of Orioles. Some birds have calls that sound like "hew-li" (Baltimore Oriole) and others have calls that sound like "cheh" (Bullock's Oriole). Their calls are usually whistled and can be either sharp or soft. The songs of Oriole birds are also varied, including whistles and rattles.

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      View the flight pattern of Oriole birds. They're swift and direct flyers with rapid wing beats.

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