Listen for the distinctive sound of the brown creeper bird. The song is a high, light, quick succession of notes that is pleasing to the ear, sounding like see-see-see-see. The bird's call is slightly different, sounding like see-see-ti-ti-see.
Identify the bird's markings if you can catch sight of him for long enough. He will be busy blending in with the trees for protection. The brown creeper is a small, brown bird with white markings on top and a white underside. He also bears a white mark over his eyes.
Look at the bird's beak. Brown creepers have long, thin bills, great for seeking out their next meal from the tree bark.
Try to determine the sex of the bird you are watching, but good luck! Brown creeper males and females look very similar, with the male winning out with a body only slightly larger and a beak that is a little longer than the female.