Learn the main types of quail. The most common varieties of quail are Button Quail, Coturnix, California Quail, Scaled Quail, Benson, Gambel's or Bobwhite. This is a short list of the many varieties found around the planet.
Search the globe. In North America, Bobwhites, California, Gambel's, Scaled, Mountain and Montezuma quail are widespread. Button quail of all varieties are found in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Australia. The Common Quail is found in Europe. Some quail are migratory are spend their winters elsewhere.
Look down. All quail are ground dwellers. They spend most of their time on the ground but fly in short bursts when necessary. Quail also nest on the ground.
Notice the bird's body. While different varieties of quail vary in size, quail are usually plump with short legs, have small beaks and weigh between 5 and 12 ounces. The most predominant of these features is their rotund body.
Consider the quail's coloration. Common Quail and Bobwhites are brown and white with some black accents. The Japanese Quail is speckled yellow-brown. The Asian Blue quail is blue with a red underside.