Things You'll Need
Observe where the birds live. Bald Eagles can be seen almost anywhere in North America, from deserts to forests, but are numerous in a few areas, including Alaska and Florida. Golden Eagles live in wilderness areas, more often in the western part of the United States.
Note the color of the birds. The Bald Eagle is speckled dark brown, with a white head and tail feathers when mature, whereas the Golden Eagle is solid brown, with golden feathers on the nape of the neck.
Listen to their song. The Golden Eagle is usually silent, but sometimes you can hear yelping whistles. The Bald Eagle has a weak chattering sound.
Watch the birds feeding. They feed on carrion and small animals and they sometimes steal fish from Osprey. The Golden Eagle can take prey as large as jackrabbits, lambs and small deer.
Notice the eagles gathering where there are large concentrations of fish, especially at fish spawning times. This makes it easy for the eagles to find a meal!