Things You'll Need
Research Gem Localities
Read reference books (see Resources) that list and give directions to gem-bearing areas. Make a list of possible areas to visit, including maps, GPS coordinates, type of gem or crystal at the location, and whether or not permission is needed to visit the site.
Visit websites that describe areas that contain gems (see Resources). Make a list similar to the one made for the locations found in books.
Subscribe to a gem and mineral magazine (see Resources 1 to 3) or check out issues from the library. Read articles to find locations of gemstones of interest to you, and list the information as in previous steps.
Join a local gem and mineral, rockhounding or geology club. Attend meetings and talk to other members. Write down information on possible locations to visit.
Plan Field Trips
Make a master list of locations from the information you collected in Section 1. Use the list to plot locations on a map.
Plan an itinerary suited to the time you have available for the trip and the kind of vehicle you have. For some locations, a four-wheel-drive vehicle is needed, while for others a sturdy high-carriage two-wheel-drive vehicle will do.
Gather the tools and other equipment you will need for finding specimens. A rock hammer, shovel, pick, gloves, GPS unit, food, water (for both drinking and washing specimens), camping supplies, hats and safety goggles are suggestions. Alternatively, join a club field trip to visit promising rockhounding areas with already knowledgeable people. Phone for landowner permission or permits if necessary.
Travel to gemstone localities and look for gems and crystals. Techniques will vary depending on the type of mineral and the geologic features of the locality. Use photos of what the raw gemstone will look like to help distinguish them from other materials. Photos can be found in reference books. Examine finds with a loupe or magnifying glass to help with identification. Rate the hardness of the specimen using the Mohs hardness test.
Store the specimens in small plastic bags of appropriate sizes. Label each specimen bag with where the gem was collected (state, county, GPS coordinates or named locality) and the date collected.