Things You'll Need
Collect small pieces of colored glass. Brown, green and blue are common colors of sea glass. If creating a mixture of colors, the glass will look more authentic if you use only very small amounts of any other colors. Place the glass in a colander and rinse it well.
Fill the rock tumbler 1/2 to 3/4 full of small pieces of glass. Add enough water to almost cover the glass. A small amount of glass should be above the surface of the water. Add 3 tbsp. of sand to the tumbler.
Run the tumbler continuously for several days. Check the glass to see if you like the results. After a few days the rough edges will be worn off the glass and it will be safe to use in mosaics or around plants. It will still be clear.
Run the tumbler for a week. Check the results every few day. After a week the glass will have a rounded shape and the surface of the glass will appear more white than clear. It will have the appearance of natural sea glass.
Empty the tumbled glass into a colander and rinse off the sand with a garden hose. Repeat the process if desired.