Things You'll Need
Having selected a design, preform the rough garnet into an approximation of the shape desired for the finished piece. Preform the stones using the facet machine. Some gem cutters choose not to preform beyond smoothing a flat surface onto the stone. It is, however, normally easier to work from a stone preformed to a rough version of its final shape..
Put a coarse grinding disc (called a "lap") on the faceting machine. Rough-cut the main facets to form the "pavilion" of the faceted garnet. Then fine-grind the facets you&'ve made using a finer lap. Place a polishing lap in the machine and polish the pavilion.
Reposition the garnet in the faceting machine, so that the crown is uppermost and can be cut. Adjust the alignment if needed. Using a coarse lap, coarse-grind the crown facets taking care not to overcut them. Fine-grind them, and then fine-grind any other desired facets. Polish the crown facets in the order suggested by the instructions at hand.