Things You'll Need
Announce the meet and greet date about two months in advance, to allow as many people as possible to participate. Post the date on geocaching forums, Facebook, Meetup, Twitter and other social networks.
Prepare a geocache that holds the party invitation. Choose a very easy spot to ensure the most number of people come to the party. Include a log book in the cache, and write the party date, time and address in the log.
Post the GPS coordinates to the party invitation two weeks in advance. Add a hint site in case people are having a hard time finding your cache. The idea is to have fun finding the invitation, not to have a challenge.
Retrieve the cache the morning of the party. Remove the log book to get a list of people who have signed up to go the the meet and greet. Make up name tags for all the participants.
Decorate the walls of the party room with maps and photos of caches. Get a supply of markers to allow participants to mark their own address and caches on a map.
Hand each participant a name tag and a souvenir coin as he walks in the door. Provide snacks and drinks for the party goers. End the party by giving out coordinates for a difficult cache with a final prize inside such as a gift card or restaurant certificate.