Things You'll Need
Create an online account at and find at least 10 to 15 geocaches to become will familiar with a variety of hiding techniques and levels of difficulty.
Find a suitable, waterproof container large enough to hold a pencil, logbook for geocachers to sign and a few small toys. An old Army ammo can works great for geocaches.
Name your geocache and go searching for a great hiding place. Refer to the Listing Guidelines in Resources for what hiding spots are allowed.
Look for a natural hiding area, like a hollow log.
Make use of any nearby natural camouflage.
Use your GPS to mark the coordinates where you hid your geocache.
Log into your account and click "Hide and Seek a Cache" from the home page. On the right side of the "Hide and Seek" page there is a link to an "online form" for reporting new geocaches. Fill out the form and click the "Report New Listing" button when you are finished. Your geocache will be reviewed and published in about three days.