Things You'll Need
Sign up for a geocaching account online with an organization like (see Resources below). Once you've created an account, you'll have access to thousands of cache coordinates across the world.
Search for geocache location coordinates close to your home. You can specify your location by state, city or even zip code. Alternatively, you can also search for a cache near an upcoming vacation destination if you want to enhance your trip with a geocaching expedition.
Select a geocache location you have some interest in exploring. Not only will this motivate you to complete the hunt, it may also provide you with a richer experience while you're looking for the cache.
Take your desired level of physical difficulty into account. You can select locations that require a great deal of walking to get to or ones that include difficult terrain, or you can choose locations that are relatively easy to get to. Descriptions and difficulty level ratings on the geocaching website you use will help you select an appropriate level of physical exertion.
Decide whether you'd like to search for the cache by yourself or whether you'd like to involve friends and family. Moderately challenging locations can provide excellent opportunities for families or small groups to engage in a fun form of teamwork.
Take advantage of online maps to become familiar with the general area of the cache. Many of these maps now show the specific streets and geographical features of more remote locations, which may help you get a better feel for the area.
Input the geocache location coordinates into a GPS receiver. Although not required, a GPS receiver may be able to help you better organize a hunt in challenging terrain by providing you with detailed, satellite maps.
Purchase a good map of the area before you set out on your hunt. This is especially beneficial for caches hidden in remote areas, such as large state parks. A topography map, which shows the terrain of the area, is highly recommended by geocaching organizations.