The club call sign license itself has no license class; instead, the operating privileges when using the call are limited to that of the licensed amateur radio operator using the call. In other words, the rules for unlicensed operators -- that operation must be in the presence of a licensed operator -- still apply when using the club call.
Under FCC rules, to apply for a club call sign, the club must have a name and at least four members. There must be some type of management structure and documentation that the club was organized. One member of the club must be designated as a ̶0;trustee̶1; and be responsible for monitoring use of the club call. The trustee must hold an amateur radio license.
Unlike the individual license system, where passing an exam is required before a call is issued, a club interested in applying for a call sign must file with groups known as Club Station Call Sign Administrators, or CSCSA. These groups include the American Radio Relay League, W4VEC Volunteer Examiners Club of America and W5YI-VEC. Each group has its own procedures for applying and forwarding club call sign applications to the FCC for approval (links in Resources).
Club call signs are issued in the same manner that new individual licensees get theirs: in sequential order. Once the call sign is issued, the trustee can then apply for a vanity call sign via the regular process. A trustee may also apply to have his own call sign or that of a deceased club member when applying for a vanity call sign. The same policies apply for requesting a club vanity call as for individual call signs.