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Problems With the Icom IC-746

As any ham radio enthusiast knows, when you run into problems, you often have to solve problems on your own. The Icom IC-746 as a radio transceiver is a reliable piece of equipment, but sometimes you can have problems using it. Before you start looking for a new transceiver or look up a repair shop, you should see if you can solve the problem yourself.
  1. Low Output Power

    • Low output power is a serious issue with the performance of any transmitter. Your IC-746 may be having power output issues for a number of reasons. The most obvious culprit is your power source. Make sure that your power supply is capable of supplying a full 13.8 volts to the transceiver. The IC-746 is capable of running off a power supply as low as 11.4 volts, although this is not optimal. Other possible causes include blown internal fuses, diodes or transistors. However, you will be unable to identify and repair these types of problems unless you are familiar with repairing electrical systems.

    Ignition Noise

    • Ignition noise is not only irritating, but it's often indicative of a more serious problem. Eliminating noise with the IC-746 is often a simple matter of proper maintenance. Check the quality of spark plugs, plug wires and cap and rotor buttons. Clean the battery contacts and make sure all wires are properly grounded.

    Audio Issues

    • If your audio is consistently cutting out, it may simply be an issue with the signal you are listening to. However, if the problem continues across several different channels, the issue is probably with the transceiver. The squelch setting may be off; adjust the squelch settings and see if you notice any difference. You should also check your headphones as well as the headphone jack on the transceiver.

    Factory Default Restore

    • If all else fails and if you're positive it isn't a hardware issue, you can always reset the transceiver to its factory default settings. This will reset the transceiver to how it would be fresh out of the box. To reset to factory default, turn the transceiver off. Hold down the "F-INP" button and the "M-CL" button at the same time. Then press the power button. The transceiver will cycle through the initial VFO frequencies to indicate that it has been reset to factory standard.

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