Things You'll Need
Tune in the net frequency. If it is in use, ask the others to move or move the net to the nearby fallback frequency. Announce your call sign and your intention to start the net.
Announce the net, and call the net participants: "Calling the (your net name) net." Repeat three times with a brief pause between each.
Announce the net name, purpose, and ask that the frequency be kept clear for the duration of the net.
Announce your name, call sign and location, and the coverage area or location of the net.
Ask for any emergency or priority traffic. Arrange for each piece of traffic to be passed to an appropriate station, asking for any station which can deliver the traffic. Direct the stations to a nearby frequency if necessary, or ask them to pass the message on the current frequency. Note traffic and station call signs on the log.
Ask for formal (prepared in advance) traffic. Ask delivering stations for any traffic, and direct them to transfer the messages. Note the traffic, if any, on the log.
Ask for check-ins in an established order, such as alphabetical by call sign suffix. Note the check-ins by name, call sign and location in the log.
Ask for announcements, and direct each station with announcements to share them with the net.
Ask for any further check-ins, and acknowledge and log them.
Thank net participants, identify the net and declare the session closed and the frequency released for general use.