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12 Meter Band Power Restrictions

Amateur radio enthusiasts enjoy using ham radio communications on frequency bands allowed by the government. The ranges of frequencies where amateur transmissions are permissible are broken up into bands. With a radio, these bands can be scanned for activity. The operator can also set up on any frequency within the band and begin broadcasting to try to find someone to talk to. One such amateur radio band that can be used for communication in the private sector is 12 meters. Power restrictions for 12 meters are no different than any other amateur band.
  1. The 12 Meters Band

    • The 12 meter band is the band between the frequencies 24.890 MHz and 24.990 MHz. Any frequency in this range may be used by amateur radio operators. However, there are restrictions on what class of operator may use the bands. Only Extra, Advanced and General class operators may use the 12 meter band. Operating class is determined through a testing process with the Extra class being the highest attainable.

    Power Restrictions

    • The 12 meter band adheres to the same rules as all other amateur radio bands concerning power restrictions. The rule is that at any given time, the lowest power necessary to achieve the goal should be used. This is to help keep the bands free of overpowering signals. At any time, power can never exceed 1500 watts PEP, or peak envelope power.

    Operating Restrictions

    • The entire 12 meter band is open for normal voice communications, but the band is split on other types. From 24.890 to 24.930 MHz, data communications are permissible. This is accomplished through a device called packet radio where ham radios are connected to computers. From 24.931 to 24.990 MHz, phone and image transmissions are allowed.


    • The 12 meter band relies heavily on the solar cycle for communication possibilities. It is frequented during the day, but during the busier parts of the solar cycle, long distance communications can be achieved at night as well. The 12 meter band is very similar to the extremely popular 10 meter band. A lot of radio enthusiasts use 12 meters to avoid the crowds of 10 meters while still enjoying the long distance capabilities.

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