Things You'll Need
Turn off the power switch of your transceiver and unplug the power cord.
Unscrew and remove each of the four corner screws holding the top panel of your transceiver to the chassis and lift off the top panel. Turn the transceiver upside-down and remove the four corner screws on the bottom panel before lifting it off.
Unplug the wired pin connector from the internal speaker lead plug.
Turn the transceiver upside-down. Skip to Step 6 if you are working with the IC-551D model.
Unscrew the four screws that hold the mounting plate (the plate that partially covers the circuitry) of the IC-551. Lift the plate up to remove it.
Line the mounting holes of the IC-EX106 up with the four screw holes of the upper mounting plate of the 551-D or the screw holes for the plate that you removed in the 551. Make sure the cord with a pin connector attached faces downward.
Plug the six-pin cord of the transceiver into the socket at the left side of the IC-EX106.
Thread the cord of the IC-EX106 through the space between the front panel and main board of the transceiver. Plug the cord into the free socket on the main board.
Turn the transceiver with the FM unit installed right-side up. Plug in the transceiver power cord and turn it on. Set the mode control switch to FM mode and observe the "RF Out" analog meter needle on the front of the transceiver.
Turn the transceiver power switch off and adjust the trimmer in the FM unit as follows if the meter does not show in the very center:
1) Remove the six screws holding the top cover of the IC-EX106.
2) Turn the power back on
3) Turn the R44 controller at the top right-hand corner in either direction while watching the "RF Out" meter needle.
4) Stop turning as soon as the needle is centered.
Turn off the power switch and unplug the transceiver. Turn the unit upside-down. Re-attach the mounting plate if you have the IC-551 model. Plug the internal speaker cord back into the speaker's pin connector.
Replace the lower panel and tighten the mounting screws; turn the transceiver right-side up and replace the upper panel. Tighten the upper panel mounting screws.