General Specifications
The Cobra 1000 GTL is measured at 5.75 in. by 15 in. by 13.375 in. at 10 lbs. It has a plug-in microphone, 12V power adapter and a UHF antenna. The frequency range is 26.97 to 27.40 MHz with a tolerance of +/- 540hZ.
Receiver Specifications
The receiver has a speaker output of 4 watts at 8 ohms. The frequency response rate is 300-3000 Hz, and the delta tune range is +/- 1 kHz with adjustable squelch. This radio also has output filters with selectivity at 6 dB @ 7KHz, image rejection of 80 dB, RF gain control of 40 dB and adjacent channel rejection of -60 dB.
Transmitter Specifications
The transmitter also outputs at 4 watts with a frequency response of 300 to 3000 KHz. It's capable of high and low level Class B amplitude modulation at 50 ohms unbalanced. The transmitter indicators display standing wave ratio, RF output power and level of modulation.