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Ham Radio License Information

Ham, or amateur, radio is a hobby practiced by people of all ages and backgrounds. However, participants in the U.S. must be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. There are three levels of license: technician, general and extra.
  1. Technician Class Requirements

    • Technician applicants must pass a 35-question, multiple-choice test over basic radio regulations, laws and electronics theory, with a focus on VHF and UHF.

    Technician Class Privileges

    • Technician license holders can use all VHF and UHF frequencies and may use the 80, 40 and 15 meter bands with Morse code, as well as the 10 meter band using Morse, voice or digital modes.

    General Class Requirements

    • General class applicants must also pass a 35-question, multiple-choice test. The exam covers intermediate radio laws and electronics theory, with a focus on high-frequency applications. They also must have passed the technician exam.

    General Class Privileges

    • In addition to all technician privileges, general class holders may use the 160, 30, 17, 12 and 10 meter bands. These open up the possibility for cross-country communication.

    Amateur Extra Class Requirements

    • The extra class applicants must pass a 50-question, multiple-choice test on advanced electronics and radio design. This license also requires a detailed knowledge of the laws and regulations governing radio broadcasts.

    Amateur Extra Class Privileges

    • Amateur extra class license holders may communicate on any frequency that is allocated to the amateur service.

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