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How to Listen to Scanners Via the Internet

Scanners are used around the world to monitor locally available radio transmissions. A scanner has the capability to rapidly switch between multiple frequencies to play the frequency in use at that time. A single scanner can monitor police, fire, railroads, aircraft and amateur radio frequencies simultaneously. Listening to scanners over the Internet allows you to monitor radio transmissions in different states or countries which would be impossible to receive on a scanner at your location. It also saves the cost of purchasing a scanner while still enjoying monitoring your favorite fire or police frequencies.


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      Open your web browser and navigate to the "Radio Reference" website listed in References below.

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      Move your mouse over the "Live Audio" button and select "Live Audio Home" from the pop-up menu.

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      Left-click on the state in the blue map of the United States in which the scanner you wish to monitor is located.

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      Scroll down the web page to the table labeled "All Feeds in the State." Left-click on the link under the "Feed" column for the scanner you wish to listen to.

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      Left-click on the speaker icon under the column labeled "Listen" to open the pop-up menu with the embedded scanner player. The scanner will be audible on your computer when a transmission occurs on the frequency you are monitoring.

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