Hall of Science Amateur Radio Club
The Hall of Science Amateur Radio Club has a completely equipped station onsite. There are two annual hamfests held within this club. There is a net, or radio meeting, held every Wednesday night at nine for members. Live meetings at the actual club occur the second Tuesday of every month at eight p.m in the cafeteria of the New York Hall of Science in Flushing Meadow Park, Queens, N.Y. You do not need to be licensed to attend the live meetings.
Sporadic Ham Radio Club
The Sporadic Ham Radio Club operates out of Getzville, N.Y. The club is so named because it is designed for people with already busy schedules. The club participates in several contests and DX station events. Their vanity call sign is K2FA. All members are licensed.
Kings County Radio Club
The Kings County Radio Club is based in Brooklyn. They meet in the Methodist Hospital in Park Slope on the second Tuesday of each month. The club's net is held Tuesday nights at 9 p.m., or Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. The Kings County Radio Club holds a Ham Radio University for beginners.
Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club
The Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC) is the fourth largest radio club in the United States. Meetings are the second Wednesday of every month at Levittown Hall in Levittown, N.Y. Non-members and those without licenses are welcome. LIMARC also holds three hamfests every year. Their repeaters are on 2M, 70 CM, 220 Mhz and 1.2 Gig.
Nassau County Police Amateur Radio Club
Nassau County Police Amateur Radio Club is a ham radio club for retired and active duty police officers, firemen, and E.M.S workers of Nassau county. The club is also open to family members of law enforcement officers, and those working for national or state law enforcement. The club meets in the Long Island Beach police department headquarters. Their repeater is on 444.8875 MHz.
Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse
Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse (RAGS) is based in Liverpool, N.Y. The organization is over 50 years old, and has meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Unlike other clubs, RAGS does not maintain its own repeater. There is an official newsletter published 10 months of the year. The club encourages member to participate in the Central New York Traffic Net, which is held nightly at nine. RAGS does conduct licensing testing for the FCC.
The Amateur Radio Association of the Southern Tier
The Amateur Radio Association of the Southern Tier is based in Elmira, N.Y. ARAST hosts hamfest and monthly meetings for licensed and non-licensed enthusiasts of ham radio. The club also provides testing and classes. ARAST focuses on providing training for emergency communications, and supports the community by providing those services when needed.