Acquire a list of the test questions and study them. The test consists of 35 questions, but there are hundreds of questions in the question pool. Many publishers offer study guides, and many of these are free on-line. Some publishers include detailed teaching on the theory behind the questions, which helps you gain a greater understanding of the question.
Contact an amateur radio club near you to find out where and when the test is offered. Many clubs offer study classes and will help you to prepare for the test. A web search for "amateur radio club" or "ham radio club" will locate a club near your home.
Take the on-line practice tests and repeat them until you consistently pass the tests. These tests are one of the best ways to study. Repetition is your key to success.
Take the test. Bring a picture ID or two forms of identification if no photo ID is available. A passport, Social Security card, report card, library card or utility bill are acceptable forms of additional identification. You will also need to bring two No. 2 pencils, a calculator with its memory erased and the amount of the testing fee, which is usually under $15. No notes or calculations can be brought into the testing area.