Things You'll Need
Constructing a Full Wave Doublet Dipole Antenna
Strip back one inch of two wires at both ends of the 6.2-foot TV line, and solder ends together. Tape both ends with electrical tape.,
Cut one side of the TV antenna wire exactly at the 3.1-foot mark. Cut only one side as you have now opened the loop. Strip back one inch both sides of the cut line.
Strip back one inch of the coax cable separating the center line from the outer twisted cable. Twist connect the coaxial cable center line and outer braided shield to the two open ends of the split TV wire. Solder carefully both connections. Separate, cover and reinforce well with electrical tape.
Mount entire antenna stretched out on 6-foot 2"x 2" and stapled in place.
Note: If you want flexibility to change bands, simply construct different lengths of antennae as above and use a male coax connector at the center of the loop instead of a direct solder connection In this manner you can use the same coax feed line to your station for several antennae expanding your station's band usage..
Run the center-fed coaxial cable back to the rig and add a coax connector. Then connect directly to your rig.
Give a shout! All hams know to call and then see how may contacts you can raise. Remember not all times are best for communication. Try it in the wee hours of the morning and see what happens when the band you are on opens up. And don't forget to send a confirmation postcard via mail with your call sign to verify the contact. They make great wallpaper.