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Tips for Using a Soldering Gun

One of the first skills that someone interested in electronics as a hobby needs to learn is how to solder. Soldering is simply the gluing together of electronic components to form an electrical connection. While learning how to solder is not difficult, it is important to learn how to do it correctly. Connections that are soldered improperly will eventually lead to problems with or the complete failure of electronic components.
  1. The Tools

    • The basic tools needed to solder are solder and a soldering iron. Solder is generally a mixture of tin and lead, packaged in a roll resembling thick wire. Various types of solder are identified by a ratio of tin versus lead, such as 50/50 or 60/40, with the first number representing the percentage of tin. The higher the tin content in a roll of solder, the lower the temperature at which it will melt.

      Soldering irons, which are basically tools used to heat the solder, come in types ranging from pencil-shaped irons to pistol-shaped soldering guns. There are also butane-fueled soldering guns for use in areas where there may not be a source of electrical power. No matter what shape they take, most soldering guns feature a metal tip that gets hot enough to melt solder.

      New soldering irons should be "tinned" by melting a bit of solder on the tip of the iron, coating the entire tip. Wipe away excess solder with a damp cloth. The tinning process keeps solder from sticking to the tip of the soldering iron.

    The Technique

    • When preparing to solder an electrical connection, it is important to make sure that the joints clean and that the components are secure on the circuit board. To solder the joint, apply the tip of the soldering iron to the joint and touch the solder to the point where the iron makes contact with the connection.

      It is important to heat the joint and not the solder. Simply melting solder on the connection will result in a "cold solder" joint that will eventually fail.

      Use only enough solder to make a connection. Using too much solder can result in the excess solder making connection with other components and causing a short circuit. A properly soldered joint will appear smooth and shiny, while an improperly soldered joint will have the appearance of crumpled aluminum foil. Do not touch the joint until the solder is cool.

    Repairing a Solder Connection

    • When repairing a solder connection, it is important to remove all of the old solder and start the process from scratch. Old solder can be heated with a soldering iron and removed with desoldering wick or a desoldering pump. Desoldering wick is braided copper that absorbs the molten solder, while a desoldering pump sucks the molten solder off the circuit board.

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