Things You'll Need
Plan to install the antenna mast as close to your radio room as possible.
Check zoning requirements and neighborhood convenants.
Consider what can support the antenna center point; a chimney or house gable might suffice.
Consider where legs of antenna will be tied off; trees or fence poles may serve satisfactorily.
Choose center support; a sectional television mast or push-up pole will serve nicely.
Assemble center support on ground.
Attach pulley to top of center support and feed through a light rope.
Attach guy wires if support will extend far enough above bracketing to be unstable.
Erect center support bracketing to roof line.
Trim antenna legs to proper length using frequency formula for band.
Attach antenna legs and radio-feed line to balun or antenna connector.
Attach balun or connector to rope and pull antenna to top of antenna support.
Tie off rope.
Tie off ends of antenna.
Check standing wave reflection (SWR).
Run feedline into radio room.