Things You'll Need
Arrange the N-scale model railroad on its benchwork or layout base. This can be purchased at hobby stores or made at home. By planning where the track goes, you can create appropriate scenery, such as tunnels, hills and meadows, to match.
Sketch out plans of what scenery you plan on creating and in what location. Photograph your model railroad arrangement with a digital camera as a reference. Trace the tracks with a pencil so you can see where they go as you work. Remove the trains and track.
Cut halfway down the two small sides of the cereal box starting from the top, using scissors, to form a mountain and tunnel. Turn the box upside-down. Pull apart the cuts to form a tunnel, which will look like an upside-down "V" shape. Tape it onto your benchwork and over where you plan on having track. The open area needs to be large enough for a train about 2 inches tall to fit through.
Ball up half a sheet of newspaper and tape it onto one side of the upside-down cereal box. Ball up another half sheet of newspaper. Tape it to the other side of the upside-down cereal box. These balls help shape the mountain so it is less steep.
Wad up a whole sheet of newspaper and tape it near your tunnel to form a hill. It needs to go in an area where there is some open space. Roll up half a sheet of newspaper and tape it nearby to add to the terrain.
Tear up 20 sheets of newspaper into strips that are 2-by-6 inches. Add 2 cups of flour and 2 cups of water to a large mixing bowl. Mix it to form paper mache paste that has a porridge-like consistency. Use more flour or water if necessary.
Dip a strip of newspaper into the paste. Lay it over your mountain. Dip more newspaper strips into the paste and lay them over the mountain, shaping it as you go. Create one layer of paper mache over all your terrain, except where the track is going to be laid. Allow it to dry for 24 hours.
Repeat the process with another layer of paper mache. Allow it to dry for 24 hours. Paint all your terrain green using acrylic paint and craft paintbrushes. Add brown paint to the sides of your mountain tunnel. Paint the top of your mountain with gray paint. Allow it to dry.
Mix together 1/4 of a cup of white glue with 2 teaspoons of water in a small bowl. Dip a craft brush into the glue mixture. Brush the track areas. Sprinkle on model dirt. Brush the hills and terrain and sprinkle on model grass. Apply glue to places you want trees. Press trees into the glue.
Lay down your model railroad track once the scenery is dry.