Things You'll Need
Design the Track Layout
Examine the different scales and types of model railroads available. Make a note of which type and scale you will be using when constructing your own model railroad.
Decide where in your home you will build a model railroad. This could be in a basement, rec room, sun room, or even your living room. Measure your space carefully and record the measurements with pencil and paper.
Sketch out a track layout that will fit into your space. If you intend to expand your railroad at a later date, design a layout that is smaller than your space. If you're unsure about your layout, check the Internet for ideas. Make sure you include any scenery or accessories that you want to add, though these can always be added at a later date.
Building the Model Railroad
Build the platform for the model railroad using 2-by-4s and plywood. Its specific design will depend upon your own desires and available space. Regardless of design, ensure that the platform is sturdy enough to prevent swaying while in use. If you're building a platform larger than 4 feet on any one side, consider building two separate platforms and setting them beside each other. The individual platforms will be easier to move and reconfigure if you change your design at a later date.
Add in scenery and necessary landscaping starting with the larger pieces such as mountains and rivers. You can either purchase these premade or make your own from wire mesh and paper mache. Premade items have the advantage of being easier, but making your own allows you to truly customize your landscaping. Whichever you use, try to make the scenery at least resemble reality.
Begin laying out your track pieces. At this point you may have to reconfigure your track design to accommodate the landscaping you've already installed. Once you've finished laying out your tracks, clip them together. Pin them to keep them in place using the pins provided with the track pieces.
Add any buildings and accessories to your layout. You can either purchase these or build them yourself from kits that can be found at most hobby supply shops. When placing these buildings and accessories, don't overdo it. Your want your model railroad to look as realistic as possible, and this means adding buildings where you might expect them to be in the real world. The same rule applies to adding accessories and people.