Things You'll Need
Choose the camera position. Check the scene through the viewfinder as you move around the train layout to find the section of the layout you wish to photograph and the angle from which you wish to photograph it. When you have found the desired position, attach the camera to a tripod.
Install a 150- to 200-watt halogen bulb in an adjustable spotlight floor lamp. Position the lamp near the camera but above it, angled down toward the layout. Move the light as far away from the layout as possible to allow a simulation of sunlight at noon while still fully lighting the layout.
Arrange one of more photo floodlights with halogen bulbs around the layout with shades to direct the light. Aim the light at the walls or ceilings to diffuse it throughout the room. This should prevent shadowing on the layout while adding light for the photo.
Turn off all other lighting in the room to avoid creating competing shadows. Cover windows with blackout cloth or heavy curtains.
Check the layout through the camera's viewfinder a final time. Make certain that there is enough light to make all elements of the layout clearly visible. Move the spotlight closer if more light is needed. If there are competing shadows, adjust the light sources to eliminate them.
Set the auto timer to avoid camera movement, then wait for the camera to snap the photo.