Check the decoder's User's Manual. The manual should describe the decoder's default address as it was shipped from the factory. This is the factory default address. Try using the default address, just in case it has never been changed. Do not despair if you cannot find the manual. The manufacturer of the decoder might have placed the manual online. For instance, Train Control Systems has placed a series of decoder manuals online. You can download these manuals for no charge. (See References)
Try entering the industry standard decoder default address. The National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) has established a set of standard specifications for model train manufacturers. As of 2011, the NMRA RP-9.2.2 stated that the default value of the decoder's primary address is 03. The value applies if the decoder is not installed in a locomotive at the time it left the manufacturer. A few manufactures sell locomotives with the decoder already installed and they might not conform to this standard.
Enter an address that corresponds to the number of the train car. It is traditional to program a decoder address to match the number that is painted on the locomotive that is controlled by the decoder. You can't go wrong with guessing at this number, For example, if your locomotive is number 2534 guess 34 for a two-digit address and 2534 for a four-digit address.
Perform a factory reset on the decoder. The decoder's manual should contain the factory reset code. This code resets your decoder address back to the factory default setting.
Place the locomotive on a programming track. The programming track enables you to reprogram the decoder address. This alternative approach might be necessary if the decoder were installed in the model locomotive before purchase and the locomotive manufacture changed the decoder address away from its factory setting. It might also be the best approach if you have previously changed the decoder address and forgotten the change and do not want to reset the decoder back to the factory defaults.