Things You'll Need
Cut coffee stirrers or straws to the desired height for your project. You will need one long piece and one shorter piece which will go across the top of the longer piece.
Punch a hole in the center of the shorter pieces and then punch four holes, evenly spaced. Create two holes on the left of the center and two holes on the right. Add glue to the center holes and place them on top of a longer pole. Make sure the smaller holes are on the sides of the shorter pieces so you can place the thread in them.
Glue the electrical poles into position on your model. Space them out so that they look real.
Thread the needle with a single strand of thread and run the thread from pole to pole through the holes you made with the needle to imitate the electric wires. Don't pull the thread tight, let it relax just a little so the wires look as if they are swaying slightly. There are four wires running through each pole.