Things You'll Need
Bend the flex track gently to determine which side has the sliding rail on it. One of the two sides of the track has a sliding piece which allows the track to bend without kinking or creasing. This sliding rail should always be on the inside of the curves.
Draw the outline of the intended track curve in pencil on your train set work surface. If you are making an S-curve, you will need two pieces of flex track.
Cut the excess track off the end of your existing tracks so it creates a flat end, which matches the flat end of the Atlas sliding tracks.
Tack the track down loosely, straight against the end of your track or the beginning of the curve. Tack gently, so you can remove the nails if you need to shift the track later. Verify that you have placed the sliding side of the track on the inside edge of the curving track.
Bend the flex track to match the curve. Tack the rails in place.
Attach the rails together with rail joiners.
Clip the end of another rail, so it will meet the end of the flex track. Tack and join that to the end of the flex track. Repeat this process whenever you use Atlas flex track.