Things You'll Need
Acquire or locate the terminal track section on your train layout. If you don't already own a terminal track section, one can be purchased at most hobby shops.
Loosen the two screws on the terminal track using the small slotted screwdriver. Do not remove them completely.
Use the utility knife to strip about 1/2 inch of insulation from both ends of both strands of bell wire.
Bend the bare ends of the wires around the screwdriver shaft, forming a small hook.
Slip the hook around one terminal screw on the terminal track. As you view it, the open end of the hook should be facing to the right.
Tighten down the screw on the terminal track until the wire is secure. Repeat this same action with one end of the second wire and tighten down the screw in the same manner.
Turn off or unplug your train transformer.
Loosen the screws on the power contacts located on the transformer. Depending upon the model you own, they may be labeled simply as "Track." On a dual-control transformer, the power contacts will be labeled "Track 1" and "Track 2."
Connect the free ends of the wires to the power contacts in the same manner employed when you connected the opposite ends to the terminal track.
Power on the transformer. Place an engine onto the track and apply power. Your N scale model railroad engine will begin to move.