Things You'll Need
Handle a Lionel locomotive gently and always by the body. When you have the body off, hold the chassis by the sides. Never slam the engine down on the track. Place it on with care. Otherwise, you can bend or damage the wheels or the internal gears.
Lubricate the wheels on a Lionel occasionally with a light machine oil to keep them turning smoothly. Turn the locomotive upside down to access the gears. They should also be lubricated with a light grease. Lubricate the wheels and gears sparingly and wipe off any excess with a cloth.
Clean the body of the Lionel locomotive occasionally to keep it in good condition. If you have an engine with a working smokestack, a white-colored deposit can show up on the body. Apply a dab of light lubricant on a soft cloth. Wipe the deposit off the locomotive body with the cloth. Wash the body of the engine with a clean cloth and mild soapy water. Dry it well.
To store a Lionel locomotive, place it in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid in a cool, dry place. Rust is the biggest enemy of the inner workings of the locomotive. Rust can also lock up the wheels.