Things You'll Need
Place the layout on plywood and cover the surface with green spray paint. The paint will camouflage any areas that are mistakenly left exposed by landscaping until they can be covered.
Create the track bed. Outline the track layout with a marker and then spray paint, using a medium brown color, the area that the tracks will occupy. This duplicates the color of stones and dirt usually found between the ties, or large wooden footings, of the tracks. After replacing the tracks, add small stones between the ties and along the outside of the rails to complete the bed.
Construct the town. Become an architect and plan the buildings for a downtown business district, stores, gas stations, a train station and suburban homes. Place an industrial area near the tracks. Some layouts even include a military base as a salute to the men and women who serve the country. Structures can be made from wood and other materials, such as thick cardboard. This is time-consuming, as it includes meticulous attention to detail and painting. Instead, opt to purchase authentic-looking structures made from wood, cardboard or plastic.
Plant trees, shrubs and grass. Hills are created by pouring a mixture of plaster of Paris and water into pre-shaped molds. Or, use plastic bowls as the hills. Apply ground cover, shrubs and trees to these hills and the rest of the layout. Vegetation is available pre-packaged in various colors and textures. Add a train tunnel that can be made from plaster of Paris or buy a premade tunnel and blend it into the landscape.
Add details to the landscape. Stone walls can separate properties. Lakes and rivers can be added to the park areas. Install picket fences around houses. Install asphalt roads, which can be purchased in strips and often contain road markings. for the downtown area. Create dirt roads for the suburban area and the parks. Add cars to these roads. Put up road signs that read Stop, One Way and Curve Ahead. Fencing that resembles iron can be installed in the park to create a small zoo.
Don't create a ghost town. Add people. Some are pre-painted while others will require using model paint to give them color. Don't forget animals, such as dogs for the community and more exotic creatures for the zoo.
Create a backdrop. As an option, to create depth for the layout, some model railroads have a backdrop attached to the rear and certain sides of the plywood base. Backdrops, painted on a sturdy sign board, can add sky while continuing the landscape.